Monday, April 22, 2013

Outfit of the day: In the navy

Today, I thought, was a good day to wear my navy sailor dress. I like this dress a lot, because of the look and feel of it, but mostly because it has a full circle skirt and you can spin and turn with it!

And this dress reminds me of a picture from way back. When I was seven, my younger sister was born and that year the school photographer came by at school as usual to take pictures of everybody, and he had a special brothers and sisters day. So me and my new born sister were photographed together. Offcourse this event called for a special dress :-) So my mom made us wear matching sailor/navy outfits!

Don't we look cute!!

And I always thought that we would never wear matching outfits again (because when you're little, you don't want to look alike), my sister now has the exact same dress as me! (only she has it in black)

I was trying to make a swirl with the dress, but that didn't work on the photo :-)

Dress: Collectif via Topvintage
Cardigan: Bristol
Bag: thrifted
Shoes: Sacha, but bought at a fleamarket for 4 euros!
Earrings: Claire's 

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