Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some thrifting treasures

Over the last couple of weeks I collected a lot of beautiful things from thrifting stores and I would like to share some of my lovely finds with you gals! It will be a bit of random selection of things :-)

An original fifties little coffee table. I was looking for this kind of thing for a long time and now I finally found it! This normally never happens, finding what I'm looking for while thrifting. Normally I come home with a lot of things I wasn't looking for :-)

Some white fifties indoor gloves. I really like these gloves, although I haven't found an occasion to wear them. So I need to find myself a swing, retro party to go to!

These purple beauties I couldn't leave behind when I came across them in a local secondhand store. And they were only 2,50 euros, so another reason I did buy them. I love bargains!!

This velvet skirt I love for the not so common colour (its more a turquoise than a teal). I need to shorten the hem, but then I think it will look awesome.

Ok, normally I never wear of buy fur. But vintage fur is something different I think, since its already worn, so it kind of already has had a life. This fur stola I bought for only 10 euros after some bargaining at the thrift store.

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