Saturday, March 23, 2013

Outfit of the day: lace collar

As promised, more posts about my outfits. This one I wore last week. As you might have noticed I kind off wear a lot of cardigan, blouse and skirt combinations, so this one is no different :-)

The top I made from a dress, which I didn't like anymore because Iit was too short for a proper vintage style, so I hemmed it op to a top and got creative with the collar. Originally it didn't have a collar at all, but I sewed a lace collar to it I found in a thriftstore and I think the result looks really nice. (Ok, maybe at first I thought it might look a bit oldish or granny-ish, but in the end I like it!)

Oh and I know my poses are always the same, can't get it any different because I have to photgraph myself in the mirror, cause I'm rubbish a taking photos of myself. Any tips on how to do it differently? 

Top: Noordermarkt
Skirt and hat: thrifted
Cardigan and thights: Hema
Shoes: C&A
Belt: Bristol

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