Friday, March 29, 2013

Outfit of the day: hibiscus and headscarf

Today I wore a spring like outfit, even though on my way back from work I cycled trough a real snow blizzard!!

The outfit consists of a teal coloured cardigan, a hibiscus print A-line skirt and a yellow headscarf, combined with a tullip hairflower. I always like the kind of fifties-housewife way to wear a headscarf, unfortunately a co-worker of my thought differently about this, because he asked me if I was sure I came to work and not to clean ;-)

Skirt: thrifted
Cardigan: C&A
Shoes: Bristol
Hairflower: homemade
Scarf: Zeeman 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some thrifting treasures

Over the last couple of weeks I collected a lot of beautiful things from thrifting stores and I would like to share some of my lovely finds with you gals! It will be a bit of random selection of things :-)

An original fifties little coffee table. I was looking for this kind of thing for a long time and now I finally found it! This normally never happens, finding what I'm looking for while thrifting. Normally I come home with a lot of things I wasn't looking for :-)

Some white fifties indoor gloves. I really like these gloves, although I haven't found an occasion to wear them. So I need to find myself a swing, retro party to go to!

These purple beauties I couldn't leave behind when I came across them in a local secondhand store. And they were only 2,50 euros, so another reason I did buy them. I love bargains!!

This velvet skirt I love for the not so common colour (its more a turquoise than a teal). I need to shorten the hem, but then I think it will look awesome.

Ok, normally I never wear of buy fur. But vintage fur is something different I think, since its already worn, so it kind of already has had a life. This fur stola I bought for only 10 euros after some bargaining at the thrift store.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Outfit of the day: lace collar

As promised, more posts about my outfits. This one I wore last week. As you might have noticed I kind off wear a lot of cardigan, blouse and skirt combinations, so this one is no different :-)

The top I made from a dress, which I didn't like anymore because Iit was too short for a proper vintage style, so I hemmed it op to a top and got creative with the collar. Originally it didn't have a collar at all, but I sewed a lace collar to it I found in a thriftstore and I think the result looks really nice. (Ok, maybe at first I thought it might look a bit oldish or granny-ish, but in the end I like it!)

Oh and I know my poses are always the same, can't get it any different because I have to photgraph myself in the mirror, cause I'm rubbish a taking photos of myself. Any tips on how to do it differently? 

Top: Noordermarkt
Skirt and hat: thrifted
Cardigan and thights: Hema
Shoes: C&A
Belt: Bristol

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Outfit of the day: novelty print

I realized that since I started this blog I didn't even post one photo of an outfit that I'm actually wearing. So today I toke some photo's of my outfit of the day and I'm planning to do this more often, mainly because the exact reason I started this blog was to share with you some of my vintage-y outfits.... :-)

Outfit of the day, a little yellow cardigan and a novelty print skirt and my recently purchased little black hat

Cardigan: H&M
Skirt: Vintage sale
Shoes: van Haren
Hat: thrifted
Hairflower: homemade

A close-up of my hair. I'm getter better and better at doing retro hairstyles.

Earrings (HEMA) I purchased this afternoon and I think they go lovely with the outfit.

Detail of the novelty print on the skirt, little sailing boats in turquoise, teal, yellow and salmon.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My latetst finds: Mad Hatters

The past two weeks I went for some thrift shopping and I found some really lovely things, mostly hats. See the pictures below. 

I promise you some photos were I'm actually wearing the hats (but for some I still have to figure out how to even wear them, what is left and what is right and up or down ;-)

Two little black pillbox hats (5 euros and 1,50 euros)

Elastic belt and sunglasses (1 euro each)

Grey felt hat (2,50 euros)
Purple wide-brimmed felt hat (2,50 euros)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Best of Everything

Last week I borrowed a book called The Best of Everything by Rona Jaffe, from my little sister and I’m reading it right know and it is a great book.

New York, 1952: Four young women have come to the city: to find love, to build their careers and to savour the indefinable optimism of the times. Caroline is the college graduate, determined to escape the typing pool and become an editor. April is the beautiful country girl with a penchant for disastrous romances. Aspiring actress Gregg is tangled in a dangerous love affair with a playwright; and divorcée Barbara writes about lipsticks by day and cares alone for her daughter by night. 

The book is first published in 1958 and recently re-published, but it reads like a modern book! I kind of think its like reading a episode of Mad Men and I love the descriptions of the outfits and the homes and offices. And so for some inspiration:
So I recommend you all to read it if you like 1950's literature with a very modern feel! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bring on the summer!

I don't know what you gals think, but I think summer is the best season for wearing vintage! I just have all these dresses with lovely happy summerprints and it feels strange wearing them in a colder season. Off course I just wear them, with a cardigan and thights, but still...

So, I say Bring On The Summer! And for you to get a summery feeling, here's a couple of my summer vintage dresses (which I can't wait to wear properly :-)

 Dress: Noordermarkt
Necklace: Hema
Belt and purse: thrifted

Dress and belt: Thriftstore
Purse: H&M

Dress: Noordermarkt
Necklace and purse: Thriftstore

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring "cleaning"

Normally I clean my house in springtime just like everybody else, but this year I did something different! Instead of cleaning, my dad come by to fix the last little things that needed to be done in my house, since moving here exactly a year ago.

And, yes, I know! I have lots of clothes....

Finally my closet is a single colour (a lovely piglet pink) instead of multiple :-) And as promised a picture of what I wanted to do with the two vintage suitcases I bought and got creative with!

A close up

New decoration for my bedroom. I kinda like it!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A box full of flowery goodies

Last week a colleague of mine gave a box full of old corsages and flowers, once belonging to her mother. I totally loved it, because they were really beautiful! And off course really nice of my colleague to think of me instead of throwing them away.  

A little selection of the corsages and flowers.

Since I love wearing a little flower in my hair. I even go to say that its my signature piece, since the days that I leave the house without a flower in my hair, are very rare :-)

These flowers were designed to wear them on a jacket with a safety pin, but since that doesn’t work in your hair I got a little creative with them, using a glue gun to glue some hairpins on them so I could use them properly. And here's the end result!

Sorry for the slightly blurry photos, but I was using using my old camera instead of the one on my phone.

Friday, March 1, 2013

DIY for your hair

Last winter I decided that I wanted to learn how to crochet, so I asked my mom for help because she is really good at that. At first she learned to make me simple granny squares, but I soon lost interest in that, because I didn't know what to do with them.

But recently I had the idea to make my own snood (crocheted hairnet). I found a pattern online (in Dutch, which was difficult to find so I post it here for you as well. If you print it on a bigger size, you'll just be able to read the instructions) and again asked my mom for help :-)
It turned out to be very easy, all you had to do was be able to count to 3 and 7, which I can! So far I made a black one (or actually my mom did that one....) and a pale yellow one.

Now I'm working on a cobalt blue and planning to make a white and a red one.
 The finished result of the black snood as worn in my hair.