Monday, September 2, 2013

Sneak peek: starting the poodle project

As I have said before, I wanted to make a poodle skirt, a classic piece of American fifties style. First I choose a piglet pink fabric for it. But after I had made the skirt I didn't want to adorn it with an application, because I liked the skirt better without. So my poodle plans went back to the freezer for a while.

But since last week I made a flamingo skirt, I thought back of my poodle plans and I started thinking what I wanted to do with them.

So far I came up with this:

I'm planning to make the skirt from a plain baby blue cotton/polyester bland with a black waistband and some details in the same colour blue gingham fabric. Maybe even a black band at the hem to complete the waist. The poodle will be made from black and blue felt, with some white for the eyes and nose.

I'll keep you posted about the progress of this skirt! I'll promise it will be quicker this time :-)

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