Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New in: Bargain day at the local thrift shop

Oops, it has been a while.... but I have been working loads and the times I had a day off, I went to the beach or to free festivals. So much for great summer weather and writing blogs. But I promise there will be more posts coming in the near future. Starting with this one!!

One of the thriftshops I visit from time to time in the town were my parents live, has a great deal for bargains.  Every first saturday of the month, all their clothes are just 1 euro each! And for some reason I always plan my visit to my parents corresponding to these dates (and yes, most of the time this is really a coincidence ;-).

So two weeks ago I went for another trip and I found some lovely things.  Here are some pictures of my treasures.

These hats come from another thriftshop, but there a so lovely, I just wanted to show them to you! The small straw one is actually a hat for a doll. Both straw hats will be adorned with some things, maybe a ribbon or some felt flowers.

These three pairs of shoes are all real leather and were a mere 2,50 euros a pair! I'm not really sure about the brown ones, maybe their eighties feel supresses the somewhat forties feel. Just have to combine and see.

The yellow checked skirt is a wrap-around, which I altered a bit, because it was to big and I changed the buttons. The blouse is way to big, but tying it like this helps that (and done so without sewing, because I'm really bad at altering blouses and dresses).

Same goes for the grey and blue blouse. But again tying it up at the midriff is the solution. After some browsing through my closet I came across this belt which goes very well with it. I also have some pumps in the same colour blue. So that makes a lovely outfit.

Both the blouse and the skirt were only 1 euro each. So this a very cheap outfit (and more ways than one, because although I love any sort of leopard/tiger print, it might look a bit cheap sometimes ;-).

My 101 dalmations skirt!! The blouse is not thrifted but I bought at the C&A, because I was looking for something black and short-sleeved that wasn't made form t-shirt material. And this blouse also has a great peter pan collar.

These two brooches I found for 10 cents each and the little red life boat goes great with my other sailor inspired items. The blue and yellow one looks to me like a little V for Victory themed brooch (although on this photo it is upside down .... :-)

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