Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vintage KLM suitcases

Some time ago I bought two vintage suitcases at a local thrift store. These have been waiting for me to do something with them. And this weekend I finally found the time to actually do it.


Initially I wanted to convert them to little tables (see picture below), but that idea I soon discarded (I have way to many of these little sidetables :-). I decided to just use them for wall decoration.

Foto: Jansen Magazine

But because they were a little damaged on the fronts, I reworked them! Originally they are KLM pilot and flight attendants suitcases (there is a little KLM logo on the blue one), and while finding some information about if they were the real deal I discovered that these suitcases were selling for 20-30 euros on the internet. (I bought them for only 1 euro each :-) )

The blue one I changed airlines, from a KLM to a Pan Am suitcase and the cream one I painted a minty green and with masking tape made some decorations on the front. 

 Now I have to find a place for them to hang on my wall. I have something in mind, but for that I need a handyman a.k.a my Dad!  So the end result photo’s will follow…

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