Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vintage KLM suitcases

Some time ago I bought two vintage suitcases at a local thrift store. These have been waiting for me to do something with them. And this weekend I finally found the time to actually do it.


Initially I wanted to convert them to little tables (see picture below), but that idea I soon discarded (I have way to many of these little sidetables :-). I decided to just use them for wall decoration.

Foto: Jansen Magazine

But because they were a little damaged on the fronts, I reworked them! Originally they are KLM pilot and flight attendants suitcases (there is a little KLM logo on the blue one), and while finding some information about if they were the real deal I discovered that these suitcases were selling for 20-30 euros on the internet. (I bought them for only 1 euro each :-) )

The blue one I changed airlines, from a KLM to a Pan Am suitcase and the cream one I painted a minty green and with masking tape made some decorations on the front. 

 Now I have to find a place for them to hang on my wall. I have something in mind, but for that I need a handyman a.k.a my Dad!  So the end result photo’s will follow…

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pin up photoshoot

My little sister (oke, maybe not so little, especially after seeing these photos :-) did a Pin Me Up photo shoot two weeks ago. And these are the results!! I think she looks lovely.

She got hair and make-up done professionally and got styled in two different looks she could pick out herself.

Wanna do this yourself, find Pin Me Up on facebook! 

Hello Sailor!
Lovely cupcakes
Fifties house wife

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My first post!

Hello darlings! This will be my very first post on this blog and I would like to show you a couple of goodies I found in the local thrift store some time ago.

I just love these little pillbox hats and offcourse the gloves. If I'll ever wear them, will be another question ;-)

The price was actually the best about these finds. I paid 3 euros for the three pairs of gloves together and the little hats were only 4 euros each. Another reason I love thriftstores!!