Saturday, August 31, 2013

Outfit of the day: finished flamingo's

After seeing this blog by Sew Retro Rose I got inspired. She had got these lovely flamingo's on her cardigan and I fell completely in love with them. So I took some of her inspiration and tried to recreate these flamingo applications. I searched the web for flamingo images and a came across this one.

After some modification I transformed the image to this. I liked it better for the wing to be horizontal and I wanted it to have some sort of tail feathers.

I cut out the different pieces of the drawing and copied them on the felt. First I hand sewn all the pieces of felt together and after that I placed the finished flamingo on my newly made skirt. Because although they look wonderful on the cardigan in the original idea, I liked them better on a skirt.

I choose a mint green gingham fabric that I bought recently on the Noordermarkt for only 1 euro per metre! I made a full circle skirt with it, complete with a little pocket (the first I have ever made!).

So this is a close-up of the finished result. Both flamingo's are all hand sewn to the skirt.

Now I'm just hoping that I won't stain the skirt too easily, because I don't know what the felt will do in the laundry. Luckily I already survived a meal of greasy hamburgers without messing up my skirt :-).

So today I wore an complete outfit with the flamingo skirt and asked my Mum to make some pictures of me in their backyard. Finally some change in scenery for my photos ;-)

Skirt: homemade
Top: H&M
Shoes: Schoenenreus
Hairflowers: New Yorker and H&M

Monday, August 19, 2013

Outfit of the day: a striped shirt and a straw hat

Finally another outfit of the day post! Luckily today I didn't need to wear any work related parts of my outfit and I was quick enough to take some photos before I got the urge to wear my in-house clothes (a.k.a. sweat pants ;-).

So my outfit today was a dark red long pencil skirt, which I bought at a thriftshop and I adjusted in the waist (in a not so professional way, haha) with a striped multicolour blouse and a straw hat. This hat I bought a while ago (it actually is a hat for a doll, but who cares!) also in a thriftshop. It is such a shame not more people wear hats. I really like them, but still feel a little bit self conscious about wearing them. People tend to stare and comment a lot about it. Luckily mainly positive stares and remarks! So, my call to you, wear more hats please. 

And as you can see, I'm wearing something other than flip flops!!! Jeey, my feet finally fitted into some more dressed up shoes. Although I can't wear proper heels, this is still a step forward :-)

Skirt, sunglasses, bag and hat: thriftshop
Blouse: C&A
Belt and earrings: H&M
Sandals: van Haren
Ring: Noordermarkt

For those of you who noticed, yes, that is my new lip piercing. I really like it and I even think it looks quite natural at that place. What do you think?

Monday, August 12, 2013

New in: the shoes I can't wear (...yet)

Last week I bought a new pair of shoes. Nothing new in my world, because I have over a 120 pairs of shoes (or possible more, because I stopped counting a some point ;-). But these shoes I can't wear.... luckily only yet. Why did I bought them, would you think??

Well, two weeks ago I broke my little toe due to a unfortunate encounter with the metal leg of my bed, so I have been wearing flipflops and birckenstocks ever since (on doctors orders). In the beginning my entire foot was so swollen, that I couldn't wear any other shoes. Now, that luckily isn't the case anymore, but I still can't wear anything that resembles even a heel. Really annoying for a person who considers matching shoes a must with every outfit :) (ME!)

So, when this ordeal is all over (probably another 2-3 weeks, because I didn't follow the doctors advice completely and haven't taken enough rest) I will wear my heels again! Starting with these new beauties!!

I feel that these shoes will become my go-to shoes this autumn/winter, because of the sturdy heel, comfortable sole and the t-strap.

Shoes: Van Haren €24,90